Laser Distance Meter or Laser Distance Measurer – Best Choice Technologies

What do you mean by Laser Distance Meter or Laser Distance Measurer?

A Laser Distance Meter or Measurer is an electronic optical instrument used for measuring distances without maintaining any physical contact with the target object. A Laser Distance Meter is used to find the horizontal and vertical distance of any object. A Laser Distance Meter is often called an LDM or a Laser Range Finder. It is a compact instrument used in the place of tapes and scales that are huge. A Laser Distance Meter works using LASER. A laser beam of light is emitted from the instrument through a light emitting diode or an LED.

This beam of light travels to the target object and gets reflected to the Laser Distance Meter or the Laser Range Finder. The time taken for this light to travel to the target object and return to the instrument is noted and then used for further calculations. There is a reason why Laser is used in these instruments. LASER beam is a very intense beam of light that travels relatively faster. It also travels quite a distance before it distorts and diverges. But the material of the target object can contribute to the distortion of the Laser beam as some materials tend to distort laser light more than others. As the Laser beam is very intense and powerful, it can even work in bright outdoors efficiently.

Parts Of A Laser Distance Meter

A Laser Distance Meter or a Laser Range Finder has a few but important components. Each of the components is important and has a unique purpose in the operation of the Laser Distance Meter. The parts of a Laser Distance meter are namely:

  • A Tripod

The Instrument is mounted on the tripod with screws to increase the height of the Laser Distance Meter according to the target object.

  • An LED

The LED is a light emitting diode the emits the Laser beam towards the target object whose distance is to be measured.

  • A Digital Display

The readings are displayed on the display screen.

  • Power Button

The on/off button switch the Laser Distance Meter on or off.

  • Circuit Board

Principle Of Operation In A Laser Distance Meter

A Laser Distance Meter’s operation is based on the operating principle called the “time of flight” principle. It means that the time is taken by the laser beam to travel up to the target object from any given point and return to the point.


The distance of the target object from a given point is calculated from the readings of a Laser Distance Meter using the formula:

D = (C*T)/2


D is the distance of the target object from the given point.

C is the speed of time.

T is the time taken by the laser beam to travel up to the target object.

Advantages Of A Laser Distance Meter

There are many benefits while using a Laser Distance Meter. A Laser Distance Meter is:

  • Fast

The results are obtained fairly quickly as the laser beam travels fast.

  • Accurate

The results are accurate as all computations are digital.

  • Reliable

There is no necessity for rechecking the measurements or redoing the process as the laser distance meter provides fairly accurate, consistent and reliable results very quickly.

  • Energy Efficient

A Laser Distance Meter operates with batteries and is very energy efficient.

  • Digital

The readings and the computations are all digital. There is no room for manual work or human errors.

  • Computerized and Software Assisted

The Laser Distance meter is fully computerized and there are many apps and software that support the instrument.

  • Contact-less

There is absolutely no need for any physical contact with the target object. The laser beam reaches the target on its own and returns to the origin.

  • Reduces manpower

Only one person is required to operate the Laser Distance meter as against the tapes and other measuring devices that need many people to operate and assist during the operation.

  • Can reach places that cannot be reached to measure.

The laser beam is focused and intense. It can reach places where humans can’t reach. This is the reason it is widely used in sectors like defence and military where target measurements have to be done quietly and quickly even in harsh terrains and rough climatic conditions.

  • Portable (comes in a suitcase)

The entire instrument can be fit into a small carry box or a suitcase and can be carried anywhere required.

  • Light weight

The Laser Distance Meter is not heavy. It is very light weight and handy.

  • Simple to use

The operation of a Laser Distance Meter is very simple. It does not require expertise to perform the measurement procedure.

  • Water and Dust proof

The Laser Distance meter can be used in dusty or damp places.

Where Is A Laser Distance Meter Used?

A Laser Distance Meter is a popular measuring device that is used in many fields. A Laser Distance Meter is used mainly in fields like:

  • Construction
  • Interior Designing
  • Architecture
  • Military
  • Mining
  • Surveying and Levelling
  • Plotting Layouts
  • Mapping
  • Sports
  • Archaeology

Popular Brands Of Laser Distance Meters

The leading brands that manufacture and distribute Laser Distance Meters in India are Bosch, Leica, Sokkia, etc. They offer attractive discounts. These brands also provide after sales assistance, training and service. They also manufacture the important spares of these Laser Distance Meters. The important thing is that these spares are available all over the world and throughout the year.